
Faithfulness, Perspective & Changing Seasons

Our relationship with God cannot be based on emotions because emotions come and go like the tide. A real relationship requires commitment and faithfulness regardless of feelings. But there are seasons when God gifts us with the nearness of His presence. These times are like oases giving us strength to keep moving through our deserts. 

Lately I’ve found myself in such a place. And on the contrast of times when I simply trust His silence, I am hearing His voice like a shout. I’m keenly aware of the absolute passion of our Savior, Jesus, and lover of our souls. His friendship, His love, His peace, His words are life. I think of David when he wrote, “As the deer pants for water, so my soul pants for you.” The more I’m in His presence, the more I want to be there. I’m desperate for Him. 

In the midst of this awesome place, I’m getting a fresh view of God’s heart for His people. I see sadness in eyes and hear hopelessness in voices. And I can’t keep silent. I know the answer. 

My challenge to you and me is to be faithful in every season, trust the season that He is taking us through and share Him with everyone we can along the way. We have a voice and a testimony – let’s use it.